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Take Charge of Your Own Breast Health

In North America, the incidence of Breast Cancer has increase almost three-fold in 40 years, going from 1 in 20 in the 1960′s to 1 in 8 today. From the age of twenty, women should do monthly breast self-examinations. Breast cancers tend to grow significantly faster in younger women under age 50. Despite billions of dollars raised for research to “Find the Cure,” the risk of breasts cancer today is greater than ever before. It’s critically important for women to take charge of their health through these screenings and to understand that survivability is greatly enhanced when breast cancer is found early. 

Because when it comes to breast health, knowledge is more than power-it’s confidence. Women can help with the early detection and treatment of breast cancer by playing an active role in their own health care. While there are some different recommendations from medical organizations on the value of breast self-exams, all women’s health organizations agree about the value of annual clinical breast exams, and the importance of regular mammograms after the age of 40. Breast health is more than just luck, genetics, where you live or what you eat. 

Staying healthy is a challenge that engages our body, mind, and spirit.  No matter what your age or position in life, understanding the connection between a healthy lifestyle and healthy breasts is vitally important. Breast health is on a continuum with normal healthy breast tissue at one end and cancer at the other. You can certainly go from no pathology to cancer and you can slide down the continuum and never develop breast cancer, but not accepting unhealthy changes in your breasts is proactive and may very well prevent cancer. Also, you may lower your risk of breast cancer by living a healthy lifestyle, including eating a low-fat, high-fiber diet and exercising. 

Most people are familiar with the antioxidant process, and many include this in there daily routines, but not many are aware that this is just the first step to a healthy body.   Antioxidants are beneficial because they affix themselves to free radicals while absorbing the elements before they have the ability to infiltrate healthy normal tissues. It is in everyone’s health interests, to include regular daily amounts of the best antioxidants in their diets, in support of healthy lifestyles. 

Only 10% of breast health issues are attributed to family genes, the higher percentage due to environmental, dietary or lifestyle issues. Antioxidants are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage — the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases. Antioxidants are key elements in preventing cancer, because they stabilize highly reactive free radicals that can otherwise damage our DNA and begin the process of cancer development.

Let’s Start Screening For Breast Health

In the United States, American women are told to begin annual mammographic screening for breast cancer at the age of 40. Long before we’ve reached this age, we are advised to perform a monthly breast exam and see our doctors for a clinical breast exam (CBE) annually as well. However, the detection rate of breast cancer for CBE is only 47% when the tumors are less than 1 centimeter while mammography has given us a 70% detection rate. By the time a tumor is detected by palpation or found mammographically, it has already been growing and developing for 8-10 years.

Mammography has a high false positive rate. Only 1:6 biopsies are found to be positive for cancer when performed due to a positive mammogram or CBE. This places additional stressors on women who undergo these procedures.

Other risks of mammography include the radiation that each breast is exposed to during a mammogram. During a chest X-ray, a person receives 1/1000 of a RAD, or radiation absorbed dose. This type of X-ray is a high energy X-ray. During a mammogram, however, the X-ray used is a low energy X-ray and results in 1 RAD or a 1000-fold greater exposure than a simple chest X-ray. It has been suggested that the low energy X-ray used may cause greater biological damage which is cumulative over time. In a journal entitled Radiation Research and published in 2004, the author concludes that the risks associated with mammography screening may be FIVE times higher than previously assumed and the risk-benefit relationship of mammography exposures need to be re-examined.

In 1982, the FDA approved thermography as an adjunctive tool for breast cancer screening. Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging, also known as DITI measures heat emitted from the body and is accurate to 1/100th of a degree. Certified Clinical Thermographers follow strict guidelines and transmit their scans for interpretation by board certified thermologists. DITI examines physiology, NOT structure. It is in this capacity that DITI can monitor breast HEALTH over time and alert a patient or physician to a developing problem; possibly before a lump can be seen on X-ray or palpated clinically. There are no test limitations such as breast density. Women with cosmetic implants are great candidates for thermography which emits no radiation and no compression. Contact is never made during a thermographic scan.

Clinical research studies continue to support thermography’s role as an adjunctive tool in breast cancer screening and the ONLY tool that measures breast health. There are now more than 800 publications on over 300,000 women in clinical trials. A recent finding published in the American Journal of Radiology in 2003 showed that thermography has 99% sensitivity in identifying breast cancer with single examinations and limited views. Scientists concluded that a negative thermogram is powerful evidence that cancer is not present.

In conclusion, women need to begin breast health screening early; as young as age 25. This can provide women with the earliest possible indication that further investigation is necessary. It takes approximately 15 years for a breast cancer to form and lead to death. If “early detection is the best prevention,” let’s start using technology that truly allows for the earliest possible alert to a developing problem.

Thermographic screening is not covered by most insurance companies but is surprisingly affordable for most people. For more information or to find a certified clinic in your area, go to [].

Learn the Benefits of Self Massage and Herbal Oils For Maintaining Healthy Breasts

A woman’s beauty care routine normally consists of maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. What about your breasts? Do you know how to care for them? Whether small or large, your breasts are unique and enhance the beauty of your body. They symbolize divine truth, nurturance, pleasure and love. We appreciate the way our breasts look in a low neckline dress, their delicate bounce and delightful curves. Breasts are precious jewels so let’s learn how to keep them healthy.

Breast Cancer is a huge epidemic. Many women don’t touch their breasts for fear of finding a lump. Some women are hesitant because they are unfamiliar with the anatomy and function of their breasts to be comfortable palpating the tissue. About half the women I talk to don’t do self-exams because their breasts feel too lumpy. The medical community stresses the importance of early detection and mammograms, however there is little awareness and education about how we can enhance the health of our breasts naturally.

The aim of this article is to alleviate the fear of touching one’s breasts and to provide a natural and therapeutic modality that will be nurturing, supportive and be beneficial in maintaining breast tissue health.

First, let’s dispel some of the fears that women have regarding lumpy breasts! Lumpy breast tissue is generally a benign disorder called fibrocystic breast condition or ANDI (Aberrations of Normal Development and Involution) and signifies lumps or thickenings that are a result of normal changes during hormonal changes and breast development. It is most often a result of diet, especially caffeine intake and in chinese medicine has a strong correlation with emotional stress.

Second, let’s approach breast care with knowledge, personal responsibility and empowerment by understanding the structure and function of breast tissue.

Circulation: The vital link to breast health

Breasts are filled with fluid-rich lymphatic pathways. They have no inherent musculature and require circulation for optimal health. Many factors can affect the DNA of healthy cells compromising breast health. For example emotional stress, environmental pollutants, preservatives in our foods lowers our immunity. Fatty breast tissue are a waste receptacle for toxins in the body. If the lymph system stagnates due to stress, tight bras, poor posture or trauma the immune fighting T-cells will have difficulty taking out the accumulated debris from the breast tissue making it a perfect breeding ground for cancer cells. Massage enhances circulation and prevents the buildup of stagnant lymph fluid.

Lastly, let’s acknowledge our breasts. Whether social stigmas, emotional trauma, surgery, our personal perceptions have distorted in some way how we feel about our breasts, we need to reclaim our bodies by sending positive, healing energy and love to our heart center and breast area.

How Self-Massage and Herbal Oils can Enhance Breast Health?

Gently massaging the breasts increases oxygen and nutrients and helps keep the tissue clean of impurities. Self-breast massage is an important therapeutic modality for easing or preventing breast related conditions and may offer a measure against breast cancer.

Benefits include:
* Alleviates premenstrual discomfort associated with breasts
* May help reduce fibroids and cysts
* Ease lumpiness of fibrocystic breasts
* Balancing effect on the hormones
* Improves breast size and shape
* Increased oxygen and nutrients
* Eases lymphatic congestion
* Makes skin soft, supple and resilient
* May help reduce scars and stretchmarks
* Encourages familiarity with one’s breasts
* Promotes relaxation, relieving internal tensions
* Deeper appreciation and acceptance of one’s body
* Encourages lymphatic circulation for post-surgery healing

Herbal Oils are certified organic herbs infused in cold pressed organic olive oil. The healing actions of the herbs migrate into the oil creating a simple, effective product for maintaining breast health.

Benefits include:
*Strengthen and add resiliency to the breast tissue
*Aids in enhancing lymphatic circulation
*Relieve internal tension
*Offers anti-inflammatory properties
*May help in dissolving troublesome lumps and cysts
*Gives skin a soft, supple, radiant glow.

Remember when doing your self-breast massage you want to use an oil that contains nourishing organic herbs that have a special affinity for the breasts to enhance the fluidity and feel of the breast tissue. Breast Caress offers a perfect blend of organic herbs, oils, and aromatherapy, inspires self-awareness of one’s breasts and body and offers an opportunity for women to love and nurture themselves. The more care and gratitude we give to ourselves, the greater the correlation to our good health.